Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome ^^

This is a blog for theories, dreamed up by Milsy and I. The deeper stuff is generally Milsy's, the crazy outrageous ones, a combined effort.
Please read these, they're hilarious, yet they still make you think, because they're believable.
To begin, here's 'The TicTac Theory'.

Painkillers such as Nurofen and Panadol are relaxants, they bring you down to a more relaxed state. Bodies crave relaxation when they're under stress. It knows it will get the relaxant effect from painkillers and it knows it gets painkillers if you have a headache, so when you stress, you get headaches.
Notice how the stress headache stops immediately after you take the pill, before it has a chance to kick in? That's because your body knows it's medicated and no longer needs the headache.
So I'm forced to wonder, is it possible to trick your body into believing it's medicated and stopping the headache, by popping a tictac instead?
The logic is impeccable. I must try it.

~~This has been a random thought bulletin bought to you by Jess.